Wednesday, August 20, 2008

doctor''s and more doctor's!!

On monday, we went into the doctor for a follow-up. Jacob got circumcized and that was hard for me to hear him screaming to the top of his lungs. The doc. asked if I wanted to stay and watch. I was there until the nurse was strapping him down really tight so that he wouldn't move. He started to fuss, and then I had to go out of the room.

So, my mother-in-law, Hunter and I stayed in another room and just waited... 30 minutes later they brought him to me. His little face was really red from crying. It broke my heart.

Then... I told the doc. that Jacob had been getting tummy aches and he said that because he had only gained 3 oz this last week, that he was probably not getting enough to eat. He falls asleep after 10 minutes of nursing so i put him to bed thinking that he is full, and an hour later he is hungry again..So, I have been trying to keep him up more during the day and supplementing with a bottle just once a day, hoping that he will sleep longer during the night.

Then.. just the last couple of nights that I have been nursing him, he eats til I'm dry and acts like i have starved him an hour or two later. I've been having to pump after i nurse him, just so that my milk will keep coming in.
Well.. we are going in again... for a follow up on thursday to see how his room air test went and then weigh him again to see if he is gaining enough weight.... and every week until the doctor thinks that he is doing better.

Other than that! He is doing well. Hopefully, we can take this silly oxygen off tomorrow!

Okay, here are some pictures that ryan took of the two boys and I.


Candace and Brian said...

Good luck. I've been pumping since I got home just to help my milk supply be greater. It gets old but hopefully it's helping. Hopefully that helps with the belly ahces. You'll have to keep us updated. Good luck this week.

Jamie said...

WHat cute little boys, I love the picture of them sleeping. I am sorry to hear that he is struggling, its hard being up every hour.

I am sorry that nursing is so hard/frustrating. I have struggled with it (too much milk) this pregnancy.

You look fantastic in the pics!